
  1. repeat(text,number) - repeats the text number times.
  2. eg: repeat('hello',4) -> hellohellohellohello
  3. num_nulls(arguments) and num_nonnulls(arguments) -> returns the number of nulls and non-null characters in the list of arguments.
  4. eg: num_nonnulls(1,2,3,NULL) -> 3
  5. Date Time formatting template patterns
  6. overlaps - returns if two intervl of time overlaps or not.
  7. eg: (start1, end1) OVERLAPS (start2, end2) (start1, length1) OVERLAPS (start2, length2) SELECT (DATE '2001-02-16', DATE '2001-12-21') OVERLAPS (DATE '2001-10-30', DATE '2002-10-30'); Result: true
  8. gen_random_uuid() -> generates a random uuid version 4