Kadane's Algorithm

  • for finding the max sum of contiguous subarray of a given length.
  • Time Complexity - O(n)
  • All numbers should be non-negative.
  • For negative numbers [[Maximum subarray problem algorithm]] should be used.
    class Solution {
        int maxSubArray(vector<int>& nums) {
          int n = nums.size(); 
          // globalSum is where the maximum sum of subarray is stored
          // localSum is where the sum of current subarray is stored
          int globalSum = INT_MIN, localSum = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // add current element to current sum 
            localSum = localSum + nums[i];
            // if current sum is greater than globalSum, update globalSum
            if (globalSum < localSum) {
              globalSum = localSum;
            // if upon adding ith element current sum is becoming less than 0
            // it cannot contribute to the maximum sum subarray so we neglect it 
            // and reset our current sum to 0 to start another subarray freshly
            if (localSum < 0) {
              localSum = 0;
          return globalSum;